Yumi was born and grew up in east Tokyo where people took care of each other warmly. Her father worked for JNR, Japan National Railways, for more than 50 years, which took Yumi all across Japan thanks to the family discount. This background was an ideal training for her future career as a tour guide! She majored in Chinese ancient literature and Chinese language in Waseda University & Qinhua University in Beijing. Yumi stayed in west coast of the US, and then returned to Japan to start guiding in both English & Chinese, and teaching English. After working for a British travel agency as a managing director, Yumi set up her travel agency Kingfisher JAPAN KK in 2017 to introduce the essence of Japan through her sharp eyes. She specializes in Japanese art and literature, and is also an expert leader of walking & trekking tours. As a distinctive storyteller, Yumi will ensure that you have a wonderful time travelling during your stay in Japan.
I was born in Ise City, which is famous for a Shinto shrine dedicated to Sun Goddess, and moved to Kyoto after graduating from senior high school to study English literature at university.
Since then, I have been living in the Kansai region. Currently, I live in Otsu City near the largest lake in Japan, called Lake Biwa, and enjoy walking along the lakeside on my days off.
I had worked as a translator of technical documents for more than 10 years before getting the national license as an English-speaking tour guide in 2014. I like history, traditional culture, and literature. In my tours, I give top priority to flexibility to be responsive to your interests, weather, and other various conditions. I value interactive communication with guests rather than one-way explanations. I would be honored if I can become a part of your memorable trip in Japan.
I was born in Kyoto. When I was a child, I lived in Tokyo for eight years. After that I returned to Kyoto. Many visitors are interested in Kyoto and I know the city of Kyoto well. I know off-the-beaten-track places as well as must-see-spots. I visited New Zealand for three weeks and during my time there I had an opportunity to assist a teacher to educate her students in Japanese culture such as the Japanese tea ceremony, how to wear a yukata which is a cotton kimono and teaching calligraphy. The students' eyes were shining with excitement as they became involved in Japanese culture. It made me feel that I needed to study Japan and its culture more deeply. This experience led me to become a tour guide. I not only enjoy being a tour guide but also like to interact with people. I feel happy when I see visitors enjoying various aspects of Japan and Japanese life. I am interested in history, Buddhism, Shintoism, gardens. I also enjoy reading books, participating in yoga, practicing meditation. and a variety of other subjects. If I can help you to enjoy Japan more, it will be my great pleasure.
Born and raised in rural Japan, Toshi grew up enjoying slow-paced country living and abundant activities in the mountains. However, his interests were always drawn to foreign things beyond the boundary of his known world.
In 1975 Toshi took a two-year sabbatical leave from Chuo University and travelled to Israel, Spain and Canada, throughout which he encountered life-altering events. In 1978, after graduating from university, he emigrated to Canada where he built a successful career in the jewellery industry over a thirty-year period while residing in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, until his retirement in 2013.
In 2014, Toshi embarked on a second career as a seasonal guide in Japan, traveling between Japan and his current residence in Washington, DC, USA. He spends most of his downtime contemplating and planning for his next adventures!
Since my childhood, I have liked temples, gravestones, and shrines. They always make me feel comfortable, and Japanese green moss gardens in particular are one of my favorite things. They are connecting me with my pastime, tea ceremony. I am an instructor of tea ceremony, which I enjoy together with overseas guests. On the other hand, I also like nature. I always have a pleasant time with guests walking in the countryside on routes such as the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage, Asuka, Philosopher’s Path, and so on. The witty, unique, and gentle conversations that I have with guests impress me, and I often remember their voices and lovely expressions.
I was born in Kyoto and later moved to Osaka. After staying in U.K. for ten years, I now live in the ancient capital of Nara. Through my experience of living in Europe, I came to fully recognize the beauty of our Japanese scenery, and it inspired me to become an English-speaking guide. Would you like to find your favorite places or things in Japan? I am glad to help you!!
I was born in Osaka and now live in the suburbs of Kyoto. Before becoming a tour guide, I was an English tutor at home and helped high school students pass university entrance examinations. I was also an English instructor at universities, teaching TOEIC to college students. In my free time, I enjoy yoga lessons, traveling, skiing and visiting historical sites in Kyoto. I am also enthusiastic about Japanese history, culture and art. I do exciting tours not only throughout the Kansai area to places such as Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Kobe, Himeji and Koyasan, but also around Hiroshima, Miyajima, Takayama and Shirakawa-go. I like meeting people and sharing my knowledge and experience, and exchanging conversations with the guests. I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Izumi was born and grew up in Kyoto City, except for one year staying in the United States as an exchange student at a public high school. She worked as a travel agent for four years after graduating a junior college in Kyoto. Besides making reservations and planning itineraries, she enjoyed leading tours as a tour conductor.
She has been working as an English-speaking tour guide since 2006. She loves to introduce famous and beautiful places, and traditional culture such as tea ceremony in Kyoto. Moreover, she would like to invite you to her ‘secret’ less crowded paths in Kyoto. She also enjoys meeting local cats and dogs with her clients during her tours.
She loves practicing yoga, flower arrangement, and traveling to the world heritage sites around Japan.
She is getting her MA from the English Department in the spring of 2019, and will continue her research in academia, focusing on the ‘English for tour guides’, and ‘Interpreting Japanese Culture in English’.
I am Eiko Kurokawa. I was born and grew up in Kumamoto in Kyushu (the third largest island of Japan), and I spent four years of my university life in Tokyo.
I have been living in Yokohama for more than 43 years. Yokohama is located next to Tokyo and also is an attractive port city.
I’m in my 60’s and I work for a public organization as a member of counseling staff for foreign residents in Yokohama, as well as being a tour guide.
I’ m interested in foreign languages and I study French once a week.
I like to watch 'kabuki', traditional Japanese drama performed by male actors and 'kyogen', which is also a traditional Japanese comic drama.
Let me help you savor your stay in Japan!
Spanish: Yukiko nació en Osaka. A su padre le gustaba viajar, por lo que llevaba a su familia a varios lugares. Gracias al padre a Yukiko le interesó viajar, por lo que desde la primaria como actividades de su club escolar también cada año visitaba varios lugares pintorescos y varias pistas de esquí trasladándose largas distancias sin esfuerzo.
Ha vivido en la zona sur de Japón, Kyushu, 10 años, también en la zona noreste de Japón, Tohoku, 5 años y durante 13 años en Yokohama, en la zona metropolitana de Tokio. Ahora vive de nuevo en Osaka, su ciudad natal. Le encanta ser guía turística y le entusiasma estar al lado de los clientes cuando tienen experiencias felices.
“Iré satisfaciendo su curiosidad por saber y les orientaré para que se acostumbren a la vida de Japón.
¡Vengan a conocer los encantos de cada estación del año en Japón! Es un placer poder servirles para que conozcan nuestra cultura. Espero que disfruten de las nuevas experiencias.”
German: Seit 2002 führe ich deutschsprachige Touristen in ganz Japan.
Japan ist zwar ein kleines Land, aber hat verschiedene Facetten, sei es topografisch oder meteorologisch, sei es Fauna oder Flora, sei es Kunst oder Kultur usw.
Wenn Sie sich für die Architektur oder die Gärten oder die Industrie usw. interessieren, können Sie hier in Japan alles von traditionell bis modern sehen, und manchmal in der Nähe voneinander.
Heutzutage sind die Lebensstile der Japaner auch sehr unterschiedlich.
Und auch Leute, die in den ganz modernen Hochhäusern wohnen, wahren und pflegen die Traditionen wie z. B. überlieferte Bräuche und genießen die tradionellen Künste.
Japan bietet auch den Besuchern aus dem Ausland unterschiedliche Erfahrungen an.
Die Reise ist im Leben der Menschen unverzichtbar und bereichert uns sowohl körperlich als auch geistig, finde ich.
Es wäre eine große Ehre und Freude für mich, wenn ich Sie in meinem Land begleiten dürfte.
Wollen wir uns miteinander über Verschiedenes unterhalten?
French: J’ai obtenu le diplôme de guide touristique en français en 2012, et depuis, je travaille comme guide. J’aime me promener dans les villes historiques telles que Kyoto, Nara et Takayama pour sentir leurs longues histoires.
J’aime visiter les grandes villes telles que Tokyo et Osaka qui ne cessent de changer, mais aussi parcourir, par exemple, une des anciennes routes principales appelée Nakasendo où on peut découvrir la vie traditionnelle qu’on ne peut plus voir dans les grandes villes. Je monte de temps en temps sur des collines pour me promener dans les bois et admirer les beaux paysages.
Pour maintenir ma forme physique, je cours au moins un marathon complet par an. Et ça nous, à mon mari et moi, donne l’occasion de découvrir des régions que nous ne connaissions pas et de goûter leurs spécialités culinaires avec du bon saké. Je serais très heureuse si j’avais l’occasion de vous présenter mon pays et de bavarder avec vous sur des sujets divers.
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