5・7・5 sound units catch the 'haiku' moment.
Would you try the Japanese short poem?
You will follow the footprints of poets.
If you are interested in Japanese tea ceremony, Iga Ueno is the town to visit!
Komaki provides various style of tea lessons for you according to your schedule and preferences. If you can only spare a short time for it, she tells you how to enjoy 'macha', powdered green tea, with a tiny and tasty Japanese sweet.
You might be puzzled by turning the tea bowl to avoid using the most precious part of it. Komaki also shows you how to enjoy a cup of tea with Japanese-style light lunch box, what we call 'obento'.
You will probably also have the chance to make a cup of tea by yourself in a simple and rustic Japanese tea hut. You will find yourself really relaxed and meditative after the tea experience.
Among many tea activities in Japan, Komaki’s lesson is distinctive since she really opens her heart warmly without sticking to too many 'dos and don’ts'. The real tea relationship, a once in a lifetime encounter, is here in Iga Ueno with Ms. Komaki Matsubara’s assistance.
She also runs a charming gift shop near the station where you can find nice traditional gifts for your friends.
The famous Haiku poet, Basho, was born in this town more than 300 years ago. Follow his footprints to find tips on how to create 'haiku' poems of your own.In Iga Ueno, be careful, as 'ninja' can appear and disappear during your stay!
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